Before you knock it, tap it!

 Do you know about EFT? Seems like the appropriate time to share this. 

I started using Brad's videos a few years ago when I was working at a clothing store in Santa Monica. It was a great job with some of my best friends but my heart was on the highway, so I had a lot of angst (always). Plus I was in love which always turns up the crazy volume...

I used to go to the beach on my lunch break and tap with Brad. I don't know if these exercises were what launched me into four years of touring and recording, but I do believe they greased the mental wheels. 

So many people in my life feel stuck and lost right now... and that's okay, because from stuckness we're able to examine what's here and to identify our valued directions. We're in personal, national, and global crisis. We need to change. We WANT to change. But how?

Tap it out. At the very least you'll feel a little calmer and more centered from taking a pause in your day. There are TONS of videos on his channel that address an array of mental/spiritual/emotional ailments. I'm going to start tapping again, too. Maybe it'll help my rhythm. 

In other news - Let It Breathe was fully funded and we're rocking through the final mixes!!! Hoping to get all the pledge prizes to the backers around holiday time, and the general release will be early 2017. Will send an update next week. Happy weekend! 


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